
Orphanage Pictures

I spent the afternoon going through pictures of Emily and Megan from 2008 on my computer hard drive and ordering prints on

An annual routine of mine is to gather a set of 30 pictures of Emily and a set of 30 pictures of Megan from the previous calendar year, place each set into a small photo album (the type you can buy for $4 at Walgreens), and mail the two photo albums to their orphanages. My goal every year is to do this each January for pictures from the just completed calendar year. This year I am three months late.

Emily and Megan are from different orphanages in different parts of the country (Jiangxi and Guangdong).

At this point, I don’t expect anyone from Emily’s orphanage to remember Emily (adopted 6 years ago) and I’m not sure if anyone from Megan’s orphanage still remembers Megan (adopted 2 years ago).

However, if in the very remote chance there is someone in China who still remembers Emily or Megan, I send these photo albums each year. Also, when we met the orphanage workers in China for Emily and Megan’s adoptions, in both instances, they did ask us to send them updated photos. I figure annually sending them updated photos is the least we can do to show them our appreciation.

2 thoughts on “Orphanage Pictures

  1. I think that’s a lovely idea! Maybe you could include a referral photo and her Chinese name as the first photo? It might help the orphahage remember her.



  2. That’s funny you mention it. The first page of Emily’s album is a copy of the identification card the orphanage workers gave us for Emily. The card includes her Chinese name (in Chinese characters), a small ID card photo, and birthday. I copied the card on 4 x 6 photo paper.

    Megan’s album starts with one of her referral pictures and a copy of a portion of her referral notice (printed on 4 x 6 photo paper) with her Chinese name, birthday, and orphanage name in both English and Chinese characters.

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